My commission is complete.
Creating this painting was an amazing experience and I couldn't be happier with the end result. Cheers, Skye I was recently at a beautiful cottage up near Bancroft on Trout Lake. While I was doing a sketch of the lake, five Canadian geese flew by and landed in the water. It was one of those really wonderful cottage moments you can't get in the city.
Cheers, Skye Summer is here, the paints are flowing and art is being made. My backyard is looking beautiful and having my studio set up back there is pure joy. I've been working on a commission for about a month a half now and I'm reminded that creating a work of art is a relationship like any other. There are ups and downs and now that the painting is more then half done and looking great, that little bit of self-doubt I had in the beginning is gone. I suppose that's what happens when you haven't painted in a while. or anything else for that matter. This has also been a great lesson in time management -- balancing work with family. I'm happy to say it can be done with a lot of planning and patience. The painting process takes much longer than it did before, but the quality is still there.
I can't wait to see the finished product and I'll post a picture of it when I'm done. Cheers, Skye About a week ago, little Donaghy joined his brother Lemon to feast on seeds made of stars and cuddle up in bedding made of clouds. I will miss my furry little friends and so, in their memory I've painted them travelling to their new home.
With love, Skye A few weeks ago I set up shop in my kitchen, which is the sunniest room in the house and started working on a few ideas that I've had floating around in my head.
I really love having the time to paint again, even if it's only for a few minutes here and there. Having a 5 month old on your lap adds a fun little twist to the whole creative process. Cheers, Skye A new year is upon us filled with endless possibilities, and yet I can't help but feel a little sad that 2010 is over. With the birth of my daughter, It was such a wonderful and memorable year that it is going to be hard to top.
Now that there is a new baby in the house, my toxic oil paints are all packed up for the winter and my time has been dedicated solely to her. I am already looking forward to this spring, when I can pull my oils out of hibernation and set up shop in my favorite outdoor studio, my backyard. I'd like to say goodbye 2010, you were a most fantastic year and hello 2011, I can't wait to see what you have in store. Cheers, Skye Thank you to everyone who came out to the art show in Port Credit. It was nice to see some old faces and to meet lots of new ones. If anyone has any question about any of the paintings they saw at the show or on my website, please send me an email and I'll be happy to answer them for you.
Hope you're having a fantastic summer. Cheers, Skye Hello all,
I have an art show coming up on the 16th, 17th and 18th of July. It's in a really wonderful location on the boardwalk of the Credit Village Marina. Here are the details: Friday... 4pm - 8pm Saturday... 11am - 8pm Sunday... Noon - 5pm This non-profit, juried show was created to bring art to everyday people in an informal and fun atmosphere. Enjoy the Latin sounds of Giovanni Ruiz and "Sabor a Cafe", while strolling through the beautiful waterfront setting of the Credit Village Marina, located at 12 Stavebank Road South, Port Credit. Hope to see you all there, Skye |
July 2019
Copyright © Skye Jarvis 2010 - 2021 |